Aaron absent from school today.
Relatives' Day - Briarna and Aaron will need to work out the schedule for this day.
Clean Up Day - Samara announcing it at assembly tomorrow and then giving out the information on Monday.
Vege order (McCain) - Sam to ask Mrs. T if she wants everything. Ms. D and Sam to order over the next week.
Walking to School - Zayleah to organise this for Week 7 of this term.
Principal's shout for lunch - children to give their feedback to Ms. D next week - sushi? burger? Etc.
Water Fountain - Briarna phoned Blair again to chase up quote.
Pet Day - not too far away - Briarna and Samara to write a letter for parents. Contact Pet Shops for some free giveaways. Decided to donate a tin or dried food for the SPCA on the same day.
End of Year Skit - Zayleah and Katelyn want to have a go this time.
Stars - Jeannie will announce at assembly tomorrow and hand them out on Monday (or give to Teachers to do).
End of Year Gala Night - Council Speech - The Year That Was - Year 6 role - Jason-Mark wants to have a go at putting something together.
Ms. D to do one more afternoon tea shout - everyone else has had 2 turns each so this is a 'fair' point at which to stop.
Council asked about doing 'Principal for a Day' again this year - Ms. D to think.